Yesterday I attended my first ever sledge hockey game, between
For those of you who are unfamiliar, sledge hockey players sit on a small metal frame, which sits on two skate blades on the ice. They each have two small hockey sticks with a normal curve on one end for shooting and passing, and small metal spikes on the other, for propelling themselves around the ice.
Game play, for the most part, is very similar to that of a normal hockey game. Passing and shooting are more or less the same as regular hockey, and players check each other into the boards much the same. The strategies used seem to be quite similar and the same rules govern play, including interference, hooking, slashing, etc. penalties. One new penalty, which caught me a little off guard was ‘t-boning.’ This is when one player crashes into another, much like when one car ‘t-bones’ another. Despite my high hopes, it did not mean everybody in attendance received a free steak.