I hate to toot my own horn, but in this case I must. Many media outlets and many oddsmakers had favoured the Stampeders by 12 points, with an over/under usually in the neigberhood of around 45 points. Let's see, that means Stamps 28, Eskimos 16. Now I made a different and if I dare say, a bolder prediction. On Friday I wrote:

Well, after it's all said and done, the Calgary Stampeders beat the Edmonton Eskimos on Monday by a score of 52-5. While I fell short on the 55 points, I was more than right on the four-score lead, and I was correct on the Stamps exceeding the existing Labour Day Classic record of 51 points. I'd add too, that if the Stamps hadn't taken a knee three times on the 25 yard line in the final minute, they could've easily scored those extra three points!
Not only were the Stampeders able to beat an over matched Eskimos team, they were able to completely dismantle them. The offence was able to connect for over 500 yards, while the defence was able to keep the Eskimos to five yards rushing (you read that correctly, five) and force six turnovers. Add to that, the Stamps were able to show how deep they are at almost every position. With the game in the bag by half time, second string players like Drew Tate and Jon Cornish were able to shine and show the league that the Stampeders are not an injury away from missing the playoffs. They've got that covered.
The game also showed how bad Edmonton really is. Not only do the Eskimos lack talent, they also seem to lack focus, taking a string of bad penalties, dropping passes, throwing interceptions and fumbling the football. They truly don't have a prayer this season and I'm left wondering how they ever beat Saskatchewan. I guess the Riders aren't as good as everybody thought they were. And I guess the Stampeders are a little better than everybody thought they were too.
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I'm confused...you LOVE to toot your own horn! :)
Doesn't everybody once in a while ;)
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